Orthopaedic surgery

There is a large degree of orthopaedic services available for your pet at our veterinary practice. From ligament repair to bone fracture re-alignment, our highly qualified and professional veterinarians can ensure your pet is provided with the treatment they need to get back up and running on their daily walk. By keeping these procedures within our clinic, customers like you do not need to undergo any waiting time whilst you are waiting for a specialist hospital.

Here are just some of the orthopaedic surgeries we offer:

  • Cruciate ligament rupture repair, using the Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy (TPLO) technique
  • Patella luxation surgery
  • Fracture repair
  • Femoral head and neck excision
  • Arthrodesis and bone grafts
  • Selected methods of tendon re-alignment

For any enquiries on the services we offer, why not call our friendly staff on 9980 1800 for more information?